Math in Focus Grade 4 Chapter 12 Practice 2 Answer Key Rectangles and Squares

This handy Math in Focus Grade 4 Workbook Answer Key Chapter 12 Practice 2 Rectangles and Squares detailed solutions for the textbook questions.

Math in Focus Grade 4 Chapter 12 Practice 2 Answer Key Rectangles and Squares

Find the perimeter of each figure.


Math in Focus Grade 4 Chapter 12 Practice 2 Answer Key Rectangles and Squares 1
Perimeter of rectangle
= 7 + 4 + 7 + 4
= 22 cm
The perimeter of the rectangle is 22 centimeters.

Question 1.
Math in Focus Grade 4 Chapter 12 Practice 2 Answer Key Rectangles and Squares 2
Perimeter of square = 4 × ___________
= _________ in.
The perimeter of the square is ___________inches.
In square all four sides are equal.
Perimeter of square = 4 × 6 in
= 24 in.
The perimeter of the square is 24 inches.

Solve. Show your work.


The perimeter of a square flower garden is 20 feet. Find the length of one side of the flower garden.
Math in Focus Grade 4 Chapter 12 Practice 2 Answer Key Rectangles and Squares 3
Length of one side = perimeter ÷ 4
= 20 ÷ 4
= 5 ft
The length of one side of the flower garden so 5 feet.

Question 2.
The perimeter of a square building is 160 yards. Find the length of one side of the building.
Math in Focus Grade 4 Chapter 12 Practice 2 Answer Key Rectangles and Squares 4
Perimeter = 160 yards
Length of one side = perimeter ÷ 4
= 160 yards ÷ 4
= 40 yards
The length of one side of the building is 40 yards.

Solve. Show your work.

Question 3.
A square field has a perimeter of 44 meters. Find the length of one side of the field.
Math in Focus Grade 4 Chapter 12 Practice 2 Answer Key Rectangles and Squares 5
Perimeter = 44 m
Length of one side = perimeter ÷ 4
= 44 m ÷ 4
= 11 m
The length of one side of the field is 11 m.

Question 4.
The perimeter of a rectangular town is 32 miles. Its width is 5 miles. Find the length.
Math in Focus Grade 4 Chapter 12 Practice 2 Answer Key Rectangles and Squares 6
From the above image we can have a data of width and perimeter.
Length = ?
width = 5 mi
perimeter = 32 mi
Perimeter of the rectangular town = length + width + length + width
32 mi = l + 5 mi + l + 5 mi
32 mi = 2l + 10 mi
32 mi – 10 mi = 2l
22 mi = 2l
11 mi = l
The length of the rectangular town is 11 miles.

Solve. Show your work.

Question 5.
The perimeter of a rectangle is 24 centimeters. Its length is 9 centimeters. Find the width.
Math in Focus Grade 4 Chapter 12 Practice 2 Answer Key Rectangles and Squares 7
From the above image we can have a data of length and perimeter.
Length = 9 cm
width = ?
perimeter = 24 cm
Perimeter of the rectangle = length + width + length + width
24 cm = 9 cm + w + 9 cm + w
24 cm= 18 cm + 2w
24 cm – 18 cm = 2w
6 cm = 2w
3 cm = w
The width of the rectangle is 3 cm.

Question 6.
The perimeter of a rectangular garden is 18 yards. Its length is 6 yards. Find the width.
Math in Focus Grade 4 Chapter 12 Practice 2 Answer Key Rectangles and Squares 8
From the above image we can have a data of length and perimeter.
Length = 6 yards
width = ?
perimeter = 18 yards
Perimeter of the rectangular garden = length + width + length + width
18 yards = 6 yards + w + 6 yards + w
18 yards = 12 yards + 2w
18 yards – 12 yards = 2w
6 yards = 2w
3 yards = w
The width of the rectangular garden is 3 yards.

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