Math in Focus Grade 3 Chapter 9 Answer Key Using Bar Models: Multiplication and Division

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Math in Focus Grade 3 Chapter 9 Answer Key Using Bar Models: Multiplication and Division

Math Journal

Look at the bar models, number sentences, and the answer statement. Write a question that matches this problem.

Question 1.
Math in Focus Grade 3 Chapter 9 Answer Key Using Bar Models Multiplication and Division 1
Both doctors see 267 patients.

My question:
Dr. Bob see 89 patients daily. Dr. Jane sees patients  twice of Dr. Bob. So How many patients will see daily Dr. Bob and Dr. Jane altogether?

Look at the bar models and the answer statement. Write a question that matches this problem and show two possible methods tor solving the word problem.

Question 2.
Math in Focus Grade 3 Chapter 9 Answer Key Using Bar Models Multiplication and Division 2
Both bakers bake 147 bread rolls.

My question:
Baker Chang  bake 98 bread rolls.. Baker Chang  baked 2 times as many bread rolls as Baker Lee. How many bread rolls did Baker Lee?

My methods:
Method 1:
98  ÷  2= 49
Method 2:
3 units –> 147
1 unit –> 147 ÷ 3 = 49

Put On Your Thinking Cap!

Challenging Practice

Solve. Draw bar models to help you.

Timmy and Pedro have 24 trading cards altogether. Timmy gives Pedro 5 cards, and they each have the same number of cards. How many trading cards does Pedro have at first?
7 trading cards Pedro have at first
24 ÷ 2 = 12
if both has same number of cards, then each has 12 cards.
Timmy gives Pedro 5 cards, and they each have the same number of cards.
So Pedro has earlier is 12 – 5  =7

Put on Your Thinking Cap!

Problem Solving

Solve. Use bar models to help you.

Johanna has some chicken nuggets and 6 sticks. She puts 3 chicken nuggets on each stick. She has 2 chicken nuggets left. If she puts 4 chicken nuggets on each stick, how many chicken nuggets will be left? How many sticks will she need?
No chicken nuggets will be left
No more sticks needed.
Johanna has some chicken nuggets and 6 sticks. She puts 3 chicken nuggets on each stick. 6 x 3 = 18
She has 2 chicken nuggets left. So she has total  18 + 2 = 20 chicken nuggets.
If she puts 4 chicken nuggets on each stick, then 20 ÷ 4 = 5
5 sticks only she need. 1 stick will left. no more chicken nuggets will be left

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