This handy Math in Focus Grade 2 Workbook Answer Key Chapter 13 Practice 1 Measuring in Feet detailed solutions for the textbook questions.
Math in Focus Grade 2 Chapter 13 Practice 1 Answer Key Measuring in Feet
Look at the pictures. Fill in the blanks with more or less.
Question 1.
The length of the book is _________ than 1 foot.
1 Foot = 12 inches
Therefore, The length of the book is less than 1 foot.
Question 2.
The height of the bag is _________ than 1 foot.
1 Foot = 12 inches
Therefore, The height of the bag is more than 1 foot.
Question 3.
The height of the chair is ________ than 2 feet.
1 Foot = 12 inches
The height of the chair is more than 2 feet.
Fill in the blanks.
Question 4.
Foot rulers are placed against two ribbons.
a. Which ribbon is about 1 foot long?
1 Foot = 12 inches
Ribbon A is about 1 foot long.
Fill in the blanks with more or less.
b. Ribbon A is __________ than 2 feet long.
Ribbon A is less than 2 feet long.
c. Ribbon B is __________ than 2 feet long.
Ribbon B is more than 2 feet long.
Question 5.
Foot rulers are placed against a bulletin board.
a. Which side of the board is about 5 feet long?
Side B is about 5 feet long.
b. Side A is shorter than ___________ feet.
Side A is shorter than 3 feet.
c. Side B is shorter than ___________ feet.
Side B is shorter than 5 feet.
Look at the list. Check (✓) the columns that are true. You will need a foot ruler to measure these items.
Question 6.
Question 7.
Question 8.
Question 9.
Question 10.
Look around the classroom to find and name objects that match each length.
Question 11.
Use a string and a foot ruler to measure. Then fill in the blanks.
Question 12.
Mark on the string with a pencil how long you think 1 foot is. Then use a ruler to measure this length. Did you mark more or less than 1 foot on your string?
I marked on the string with a pencil.
It is less than 1 foot.
Question 13.
Next, mark on the string how long you think 2 feet is. Then use a ruler to measure this length. Did you mark more or less than 2 feet on your string?
Then I marked on the string how long I think 2 feet is.
It is more than 2 feet on my string.