Math in Focus Grade 5 Chapter 5 Practice 5 Answer Key Real-World Problems: Algebra

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Math in Focus Grade 5 Chapter 5 Practice 5 Answer Key Real-World Problems: Algebra

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Question 1.
Raul has 5 boxes of golf balls. Each box contains y golf balls. His father gives him another 8 golf balls.

a. Find the total number of golf balls Raul has in terms of y.
Number of boxes of golf balls Raul has = 5
As each box contains ‘y’ balls, total number of balls Raul has = 5y
Number of balls given by Raul’s father = 8
So, total number of golf balls does Raul has = 5y+8

b. If y = 4, how many golf balls does Raul have altogether?
Total number of golf balls Raul has = 5y+8
If y=4, then total number of golf balls Raul has = (5×4)+8 = 20+8 = 28
So, Raul altogether has 28 balls.

Question 2.
Glenda bought z containers of laundry detergent at $9 each. She gave the cashier $50.

a. Find the change Glenda received in terms of z.
Total number of laundry detergent containers bought = z
Cost of all containers bought = (9×z) $
Cash given to cashier = 50 $
Change received by Glenda = [50 – (9×z)] $

b. If z = 3, how much change did Glenda receive?
If z=3. then total change received = [50-(9×3)] $ = [50-27]$ = 23$

Question 3.
Garrett is w years old. His mother is 4 times his age. His father is 3 years older than his mother.

a. How old is Garrett’s father in terms of w?
Age of Garrett = w years
Age of Garrett’s mother = (4×w) years
Age of Garrett’s father = [(4×w)+3] years

b. If w = 9, how old is Garrett’s father?
Age of Garrett’s father = [(4×w)+3] years
If w=9, then age of Garrett’s father = [(4×9)+3] = 39 years

Question 4.
An office manager bought 16 boxes of pens, each containing m pens. Workers took 10 pens from the supply room.

a. How many pens were left? Give your answer in terms of m.
Total number of boxes of pens bought = 16
Number of pens each box contains = m
So, total number of pens bought = 16×m
Number of pens workers took from supply room = 10
So. then number of pens left = total number of pens – pens taken by workers

b. If m = 5, how many pens were left in the supply room?
Total number of pens left in supply room = (16×m)-10
If m=5, then total number of pens left = (16×5)-10 = 80-10= 70

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Question 5.
Sarah has a box containing x ribbons and 4 extra ribbons. Jill has 1 2 ribbons.

a. Express the number of ribbons that Sarah has in terms of x.
Number of ribbons Sarah has in box = x
Number of extra ribbons Sarah has = 4
So, total number of ribbons Sarah has= x+4

b. For what value of x will Sarah and Jill have the same number of ribbons?
Number of ribbons Sarah has = x+4
Number of ribbons Jill has = 12
If we need to have same number of ribbons for Sarah and Jill, then
x+4 =8
x=8-4 = 4
So, for the value of x as 4, Sarah and Jill have the same number of ribbons

Question 6.
Henry made (2y + 4) paper cranes. Elise made (3y – 9) paper cranes.

a. If y = 6, who would have made more paper cranes?
If y=6,
Paper cranes made by Henry = (2y+4) = [(2×6)+4] = 12+4 = 16
Paper cranes made by Elise= (3y-9) = [(3×6)-9] = 18-9 = 9

b. For what value of y will they have made the same number of paper cranes?
Number of paper cranes Henry has = 2y+4
Number of paper cranes Elise has = 3y-9
If we need to have same number of paper cranes for Henry and Elise, then
3y-9 = 2y+4
3y-2y = 4+9
So, for the value of y as 13, Henry and Elise will have the same number of paper cranes

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Question 7.
Mary has y yards of fabric. She used 2 yards to sew a skirt. She used the remaining fabric to make 5 jackets.

a. Find the amount of material that was used to make each jacket in terms of y.
Total number of yards of fabric = y
Total yards used to sew a skirt = 2
So, total number of yards left = y-2
Number of jackets made with remaining fabric = 5
So, amount of material that was used to make each jacket  = (y-2)/5

b. If she has 17 yards of fabric, how much material was used for each jacket?
If y=17, then material used for each jacket = (y-2)/5 = (17-2)/5 = 15/5 = 3

Question 8.
A magazine costs half as much as a book. The book costs p dollars. A pen costs $2 more than the magazine.
a. How much does the pen cost in terms of p?
Cost of book = p$
A magazine costs half as much as a book which implies a book is twice the cost of a magazine.
So, cost of magazine = 2p $
A pen costs $2 more than the magazine.
So, cost of pen = 2p$ + 2$ = (2p+2) $

b. If the book costs $5, how much does the pen cost?
If book costs $5,
cost of pen = (2p+2) $ = [(2×5)+2] $ = (10+2) $ = 12$

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