Math in Focus Grade 5 Chapter 2 Practice 9 Answer Key Real-World Problems: Multiplication and Division

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Math in Focus Grade 5 Chapter 2 Practice 9 Answer Key Real-World Problems: Multiplication and Division

Solve. Use any strategy.

Question 1.
Hannah and Francine have $120. Hannah and Peter have $230. Peter has 6 times as much money as Francine.
How much money does Hannah have?

Given information Francine has $X.
Peter has $6X  (Peter has 6 times as much money as Francine)
Hannah has $Y
X + Y = 120.
6X + Y = 230.

Subtracting above two equations as shown below
(6X + Y) – (X+Y) = 230 – 120
6X + Y – X – Y = 110
Sum: 5x = 110,

X = $22.
X + Y = 120,
Y = 120 – X = 120 – 22 = $98,
Hannah have $98.

Question 2.

Larry is 10 years old and his sister is 7 years old. In how many years’ time will their total age be 25 years?

Larry = 10 yrs and Sister is 7 yrs,
10 + 7 = 25 – 8,
14 + 11 = 25,
After 4 yrs the total age be 25 yrs,

Question 3.
A box of chalk and 2 staplers cost $10. Three boxes of chalk and 2 staplers cost $1 8.
Find the total cost of 1 box of chalk and 1 stapler.
1 box of chalk =$4 and 1 stapler = $3,

1 Chalk Box + 2 Stapler = 10,
3 Chalk Box + 2 Stapler = 18,
subtract the above two as shown below to find the cost of 1 box of chalk and 1 stapler
(3B+2S) – (B + 2S) = 18 – 10,
3B + 2S – B – 2S = 8,
2B = 8,
1B = 4,
B + 2S = 10,
4 + 2S = 10,
2S = 10 – 4 = 6,
S= 6/2 = 3.

Solve. Use any strategy.

Question 4.
Sally and Marta had the same number of postcards. After Sally sold 18 of her postcards,
Marta had 4 times as many postcards as Sally. How many postcards did each girl have to begin with?
24 post cards,

Let the number of postcards with Sally and Marta be X.
After selling 18 postcards by Sally, now shelly had X – 18 postcards.
Then Marta will have 4 times of Sally.
4(X18) = X,
4X  72 = X,
4X X = 72,
3X = 72,
X = 24,
Hence each girl had 24 postcards in the beginning.

Solve. Use any strategy.

Question 5.
A basket with 12 apples has a mass of 3,105 grams. The same basket with 7 apples has a mass of
1,980 grams.
Each apple has the same mass. What is the mass of the basket?
405 grams,

A basket with 12 apples has a mass of 3,105 grams,
X Grams per apple,
Y Grams = Wt. of basket,
12x + Y = 3105,
7X + Y = 1980,
Subtracting the above equation as shown below
(12x + Y ) – (7X + Y) = 3105 – 1980,
5X = 1125,
X = 225,
Replace X with 225,
12 x 225 + Y = 3105,
Y = 3105 – 2700 = 405.

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